The Open Nanoscience Journal

2011, 5 : 11-15
Published online 2011 July 4. DOI: 10.2174/1874140101105010011
Publisher ID: TONANOJ-5-11

Designed Self Assembly of Nano–Liposomes in the Male Reproductive Tract for Model Drug Delivery to the Prostate

Sujoy K. Guha , Vandana Chauhan and Shubhadeep Banerjee
School of Medical Science and Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur – 721 302, India


Using the compound Styrene maleic anhydride (SMA) as a model of a drug, a novel approach for sustained endogenously formed liposome encapsulated drug delivery to the prostate gland has been evolved. Intra vas deferens depot of a combination of high molecular weight SMA (SMAh, the drug) and low molecular weight SMA (SMAl) is formed by one time injection. The SMAh breaks down sperm membrane to provide from the sperms a continuous supply of phospholipids. The SMAl forms cleavage centers causing slow breakaway of nano SMAh fragments. Vas peristaltic pressures provide the mechanical forces bringing reactants together leading to encapsulation of nano particles of SMAh within phospholipids cover giving a continuous supply of nano liposomes. A dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) constituent of the depot leads to sulfur attachment to the liposome on account of which by a prostate tissue sulfur affinity mechanism the nano liposomes traverse the vas deferens- prostate barrier. The concept has been tested by implantation of the SMA in the rat vas deferens. Formation of nano liposomes in vivo; actual encapsulation of SMA within the liposome; the overall drug Encapsulation Efficiency; presence of liposomes in the vas deferens fluid and transfer to the prostate have been confirmed by Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) examination and Fluorescence microscopy following Nile Red staining of vas fluid and prostate tissue.