The Open Nitric Oxide Journal
2010, 2 : 9-19Published online 2010 May 04. DOI: 10.2174/1875042701002010009
Publisher ID: TONOJ-2-9
L-Arginine Metabolic Pathways
Institute of Pharmacology&Toxicology, University of Bonn, Reuterstrasse 2b, D-53113 Bonn, Germany.
The present review will give an overview of the biochemistry and metabolism of L-arginine focusing on the mechanisms which may either provide or limit cellular availability of this amino acid for nitric oxide synthases and arginase / polyamine pathway and describe possible interactions between these pathways. In addition, emerging species differences in the expression and role of arginases are addressed, as they may have considerable impact on the translation of results from animal models into human. In addition, the recently described G-protein-coupled receptor GPRC6A receptors as target for L-arginine and drugs modulating the activity of arginases and nitric oxide synthases are discussed.