The Open Nuclear & Particle Physics Journal

2012, 5 : 1-4
Published online 2012 February . DOI: 10.2174/1874415X01205010001
Publisher ID: TONPPJ-5-1

TeV Scale Cross-Sections and the Pomeranchuck Singularity

Girish C. Joshi
Research Centre of High Energy Particle Physics, University of Melbourne, Parkville Victoria 3010, Australia.


We have investigated the detailed structure of ℓ-plane singularities of scattering amplitude saturating the Froissart bound. A self-consistent analysis of these singularities provides us secondary terms in the Froissart bound. These secondary terms lead to ghosts in the ℓ-plane, which can only be removed by introducing an odderon singularity. Phenomenological implications of this analysis are also discussed.


TeV scale, pomeron, odderon.