The Open Nutraceuticals Journal

2010, 3 : 129-140
Published online 2010 April 22. DOI: 10.2174/18763960010030300129
Publisher ID: TONUTRAJ-3-129

Recommendations on Herbs and Herbal Formula in Cancer Prevention

Rakesh Sharma
B222F, COE, 2525, Pottsdamer Street, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32310, USA.


Herbs are naturally rich in bioactive herbiceuticals or plant products with food value to keep energy balance in the body and promise substantial therapeutic value in several diseases. Major herbs have specific active ingredient(s) with cancer therapeutic effects. Herbs are now part of nutrition supplements at nonprescription counters and their selfprescription has increased at large scale in hope of cancer prevention. The government agencies monitor and regulate the herbal use in cancer prevention and cancer management with update information of herbal side effects and safety to public. In present paper, different herbs are surveyed in the use of general health with an account of recommended potential herbs in cancer prevention. The biochemical mechanism of cancer prevention in tissues by herbs is proposed. Broadly herbs are rich in alkaloids, flavones, antioxidants, xanthones, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and fibers. Most of the herbs are derived from plants and they act as regulatory biochemical metabolites either by direct intermediary metabolism or regulating cancer pathways and stimulating immunity. The focus of review is to introduce available herbs, herbal biochemical action and herbiceutical anticancer formula. The herbal anticancer formula may be prepared by using: antiproliferative herb extracts combined with vitamin supplement, lactate dehydrogenase enzyme inhibitor, palliative alkalizing sodium or potassium salts as mixture in liquid, paste or syrup form. Herbiceuticals from herbs are potential anticancer supplements if used with care and regulatory guidelines.