The Open Oceanography Journal

2012, 6 : 1-4
Published online 2012 February 23. DOI: 10.2174/1874252101206010001
Publisher ID: TOOCEAJ-6-1

Extreme Waves and Rayleigh Distribution in the South Atlantic Ocean Near the Northeast Coast of Brazil

Paul C. Liu and Uggo F. Pinho
NOAA/Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, NOAA/GLERL, USA.


In this brief communication we present the first result on what have we learned from a long, virtually continuously recorded wave height data set. The data was recorded by Petrobras on a mobile platform located on the northeast Brazilian coast. We found the well-known Rayleigh relation, Hmax/Hs = [ln (N)/2]½, fits the data real well for Hmax/Hs up to about 2.2, but diverges distinctly when Hmax/Hs values grow larger. An empirical relation for larger Hmax/Hs can be empirically represented by Hmax/Hs = [ln(N2)/2]¼ .