The Open Ocean Engineering Journal

2010, 3 : 1-11
Published online 2010 January 7. DOI: 10.2174/1874835X01003010001
Publisher ID: TOOEJ-3-1

Floating Cities on Ice Platform

Alexander Bolonkin
C&R, 1310 Avenue R, # F-6, Brooklyn, NY 11229, USA.


Many small countries are in real need of additional sovereign territory. Sometimes, they even build on rotting landfills and install various kinds of expensive artificial islands. The ocean covers 71% of our Earth's surface. Those countries (or persons of wealth) starting the early colonization of the ocean may obtain advantages through additional territory or creating their own independent state. An old idea is building a big ship. The best solution to this problem, however, is the provision of floating cities, islands, and states. The authors propose to employ floating cities, islands, and states as cheap floating platforms created from a natural ice field taken from the Arctic or Antarctic oceans. These platforms protected by air-film (bottom and sides) and a conventional insulating cover (top) and having a cooling system can exist for an almost unlimited period of time. They can be multiplied in number or increased size at any time, float even in warm-water subdivisions of the world-ocean, travel to different countries on continents and islands, serve as artificial airports, harbors and other marine improvements, as well as floating cities and industrial bases for virtually any use.

Author has researched and computed the paramount parameters of these floating ice platforms, other methods of building such floating territory, compare them and show that the suggested method of realization is the least costly and most efficient means for sustainable ocean colonization by mobile humans.