The Open Ocean Engineering Journal

2010, 3 : 108-115
Published online 2010 June 25. DOI: 10.2174/1874835X01003010108
Publisher ID: TOOEJ-3-108

Analytical Development of a One-Line Model for the Analysis of Shoreline Change by Wind Generated Waves

Giuseppe Barbaro , Giovanni Malara , Maria Chiara Martino and Felice Arena
“Mediterranea” University of Reggio Calabria, Department of Mechanics and Materials, Loc. Feo di Vito, 89122, Reggio Calabria, Italy.


This paper deals with an analytical solution of the shoreline evolution due to random sea waves. The phenomenon of the shoreline change is modeled by means of a one-line theory. The solution is based on the hypotheses that the deviation of the shoreline planform from the general shoreline alignment (x-axis) approaches zero and that a particular relationship between higher order derivatives of the shoreline holds. It is proved that the shoreline evolution is described by a diffusion equation, in which the diffusivity G1R is a function of the sea state and the sediment characteristics. Next, particular attention is dedicated to the longshore diffusivity. Its behaviour is analysed and effects of different spectral shapes and of different breaking depths are investigated. It is shown that the diffusivity assumes both positive and negative values.