The Open Ornithology Journal

2014, 7 : 55-62
Published online 2014 November 12. DOI: 10.2174/1874453201407010055
Publisher ID: TOOENIJ-7-55

Carduelini New Sistematics: Crimson-winged Finch () is Included in “Arid-Zone” Carduelini Finches by Mitochondrial DNA Phylogeny

A. Arnaiz-Villena , V. Ruiz-del-Valle , P. Gomez-Prieto , D. Rey , M. Enriquez-de-Salamanca , J. Marco , E. Muñiz , M. Martín-Villa and C. Areces
Department Immunology, University Complutense, The Madrid Regional Blood Center, Madrid, Spain.


Rhodopechys sangineus phylogeny together with a group of Carduelini finches has been analyzed. Mitochondrial cyt b molecule has been used for species comparison and maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods have been employed in order to obtain a solid phylogeny. Compared Carduelini finches groups include: Greenfinches, “Arid-Zone” finches and Genera Rhodopechys and Pyrrhula species. Our results lead to conclude: 1) Genus Rhodopechys included species should need a new taxonomic classification; 2) Genus Pyrrhula shares a common ancestor with “Arid-Zone” finches group; the latter is phylogenetically a separate clade, including species from Carpodacus, Rhodopechys and Leucosticte Genera, and 3) Pinicola enucleator belongs to Genus Pyrrhula and seems to be ancestral. Results show that a sistematics revision of Carduelini tribe bird species is required.


“Arid-Zone” finches, Carduelini, Carpodacus, Greenfinches, Pinicola, Pyrrhula, Rhodopechys.