The Open Parasitology Journal

2008, 2 : 1-34
Published online 2008 January 17. DOI: 10.2174/1874421400802010001
Publisher ID: TOPARAJ-2-1

Microsporidia: A Review of 150 Years of Research

C. Franzen , *
Klinik und Poliklinik für Innere Medizin I, Universität Regensburg, Franz-Josef-Strauß Allee 11,93042 Regensburg, Germany.

* Address correspondence to this author at the Klinik und Poliklinik für Innere Medizin I, Universität Regensburg, Franz-Josef-Strauß Allee 11, 93042 Regensburg, Germany; Tel: ++49-(0)941-944-7169; Fax: ++49-(0)941-944-7169; E-mail:


Microsporidiology is a field of science with a rather long history beginning in the middle of the 19th century when a microsporidian infection of the silkworm devastated the European silkworm industry. Several other microsporidia, mainly in insects and fish, were later described, but these organisms seemed to be mere curiosities for several years. However, when it became clear that microsporidia were causing economically important diseases in insects and fish and more recently, in mammals and even in humans with immunodeficiency, microsporidia have become a favourite subject for biologists studying intracellular parasitism and molecular phylogeny. This review summarizes 150 years of microsporidian research and traces the role of the microsporidia and of microsporidiology in biology and medicine.