The Open Parasitology Journal

2008, 2 : 35-39
Published online 2008 February 21. DOI: 10.2174/1874421400802010035
Publisher ID: TOPARAJ-2-35

Identification of Trypanosoma Strains Isolated in Central and South America by Endoncleases Cleavage and Duplex PCR of Kinetoplast-DNA

Isabel Rodríguez-Gonzáleza , Clotilde Marína , Gregorio Pérez-Cordóna , Ramón Gutiérrez-Sánchez b and Manuel Sánchez-Moreno , *,a
a Instituto de Biotecnología, Departamento de Parasitología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, C/ Severo Ochoa s/n. 18071 Granada, Spain
b Departamento de Estadística e I.O, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, C/ Severo Ochoa s/n. 18071 Granada, Spain

* Address correspondence to this author at the Instituto de Biotecnología, Departamento de Parasitología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, C/ Severo Ochoa s/n. 18071 Granada, Spain; Tel: +34 958 242369; Fax: +34 958 243174; E-mail:


In this study, we report the characterization of seven trypanosome stocks isolated in different geographical areas of Latin America and from different vector species, by analysis of kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) restriction fragmentlength polymorphism, using five different restriction endonucleases, and genomic DNA by duplex PCR assay. According to the statistical study, the stocks were grouped into three clusters: cluster 1 held the three stocks of T. cruzi used as references. Very close to these were the stocks isolated in the Peruvian Amazon (TP702, TP704 and TP706), which constituted cluster 2. This cluster also included stock TP504, although this would be a hybrid between T. cruzi and T. rangeli. Cluster 3 consisted of the trypanosomes isolated from salivary glands (TRa, TRa605, TRa606 and TM5), these four stocks being the same as T. rangeli, and the phylogenetic separation observed could be due to having been isolated T. cruzi.