The Open Pediatric Medicine Journal

2009, 3 : 18-20
Published online 2009 February 23. DOI: 10.2174/1874309900903010018
Publisher ID: TOPEDJ-3-18

Beneficial Effects of Herbal Medicine on Susceptibility to Infection in a Patient with Immunoglobulin Deficiency

Zenichiro Kato , Takahide Teramoto and Naomi Kondo
Department of Pediatrics, Graduate School of Medicine, Gifu University, Yanagido 1-1, Gifu 501- 1194, Japan.


A case of immunoglobulin deficiency suffered from recurrent enterocolitis and otitis media was treated by Shoukenchuto, one of the Japanese herbal medicines (Kampo), and his susceptibility to infection markedly improved. The increase in the T cell percentage and in the lymphocyte proliferation in our patient suggests the importance of regulatory function of T cells for clinical improvement. The findings in our case and the previously reported cases suggest the usefulness of Japanese herbal medicine or Chinese medicine as an alternative or a supportive therapy for patients with immunological abnormalities.


Herbal medicine, Shoukenchuto, immunoglobulin deficiency.