The Open Plant Science Journal

2017, 10 : 29-34
Published online 2017 May 30. DOI: 10.2174/1874294701710010029
Publisher ID: TOPSJ-10-29

Compatibility of the Entomopathogenic Fungus with Some Fungicides Used in California Strawberry

Surendra K. Dara, *

* Address correspondence to this author at the University of California Cooperative Extension, 2156 Sierra Way, Ste C, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401, USA; Tel: 805-720-1700; Fax: 805-781-4316; E-mail:



Entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana is pathogenic to several arthropod pests of strawberry in California and an important part of integrated pest management choices. However, fungicides applied for managing foliar and fruit diseases could interfere with the efficacy of B. bassiana.


To determine the compatibility of some commonly used fungicides in strawberry with B. bassiana.


Laboratory assays were conducted using the larvae of the yellow mealworm, Tenebrio molitor. Mortality and infection caused by B. bassiana in T. molitor was compared in the presence and absence of seven fungicides that have different modes of action.


Mortality T. molitor larvaedue to B. bassiana was significantly affected in the presence of fungicides, myclobutanil (Rally) and captan (Captan). A significant reduction in the infection also occurred in the presence of captan, myclobutanil, and sulfur (Microthiol Disperss). Fenhexamid (Elevate) and pyraclostrobin + boscalid (Pristine) were the most compatible fungicides.


Using certain fungicides with B. bassiana can be detrimental to the efficacy of the latter. However, certain fungicides are compatible with B. bassiana. These results help identify appropriate fungicides to be used when B. bassiana is applied for pest management.


, Fungicide, Compatibility, Strawberry.