The Open Reproductive Science Journal
2011, 3 : 125-137Published online 2011 September 23. DOI: 10.2174/1874255601103010125
Publisher ID: TORSJ-3-125
Cell Phones and their Impact on Male Fertility: Fact or Fiction
Today, cell phone technology is an integral part of everyday life and its use is not only restricted to voice conversations but also conveying news, high resolution pictures and internet. However, these advances in technology are accompanied by progressive boost in the intensity and frequency of the emitted electromagnetic waves without consideration of their health consequences. Our bodies act as parasitic antennas that receive these waves and convert them into electric and magnetic fields. While thermal effects at the present level of cell phone radiation are negligible, most of the biological interactions are attributed to non-thermal effects. Male reproductive system is highly compartmentalized and sensitive biological system that requires the integration of intrinsic and extrinsic factors to properly function. The generated electrical currents may alter the hormonal milieu and testicular microenvironment, necessary for sperm production. Additionally, sperm are electrically active cells and their exposure to cell phone electromagnetic waves and currents may affect their motility, morphology and even their count. Leaky plasma membranes, calcium depletion and oxidative stress are the postulated cellular mechanisms mediating the harmful effects of cell phones radiation on sperm and male fertility potentials. Evidences for such impacts come from designed animal and in vitro studies which may be different from in vivo human exposure. Nevertheless, the important advice is to apply strict regulations on further increase in the power density of the emitted cell phone radiation and to conduct in vivo human research to study its negative effects on fertility.