The Open Sleep Journal

2012, 5 : 12-18
Published online 2012 July 23. DOI: 10.2174/1874620901205010012
Publisher ID: TOSLPJ-5-12

Does Sleep Education Change Sleep Parameters? Comparing Sleep Educa-tion Trials for Middle School Students in Australia and New Zealand

S. Blunden , G. Kira , M. Hull and R. Maddison
Appelton Institute, Central Queensland University, Australia.



Adolescents suffer daytime consequences from sleep loss. Sleep education programs have been developed in an attempt to increase sleep knowledge and/or duration. This paper presents data from three trials of the Aus-tralian Centre for Education in Sleep (ACES) program for adolescents.


The ACES program was delivered to 69 Australian adolescents in a pre-post cross-sectional design (mean age 15.2) and 29 New Zealand adolescents in a randomised control trial (mean age 14.8 years). Assessments in sleep parame-ters were undertaken at baseline and post intervention.


Where sleep knowledge was evaluated (Australian trials), significant improvements were shown in all trials (All p <0.05). Where sleep duration was assessed (New Zealand trial) significant improvements were found in week and weekend sleep duration [F(1, 27)=4.26, p=0.04). Both, students and teachers found the program feasible, interesting, and educational.


ACES sleep education programmes can improve both sleep knowledge and sleep duration in adolescents. Improving the programme so sleep knowledge attained equates to actual sleep behaviour change are areas for future direc-tion. Collectively these findings provide encouraging signs that adolescents can improve their sleep knowledge and behav-iour with sleep education which bodes well for sleep-related health and psycho-social issues.


Sleep education, behaviour change, adolescents, sleep duration, sleep knowledge.