The Open Sleep Journal

2013, 6 : 8-11
Published online 2013 April 5. DOI: 10.2174/1874620901306010008
Publisher ID: TOSLPJ-6-8

A Cognitive Behavioral Exposure Treatment Package for Night Terrors: A Case Study

Steven J. Linton
Center for Health and Medical Psychology, School of Law, Psychology and Social Work, Örebro University, Sweden.


Night terror is a rare problem in adults characterized by nighttime episodes similar to panic attacks except that sufferers are not aware of the content. There is no current treatment, but exposure is a treatment of choice for panic. The purpose of this case study was therefore to develop and describe a novel treatment. The client had a 22-year history of night terror attacks with verbalization causing sleep difficulties and daytime fatigue. A cognitive-behavioral package featuring exposure (listening to audio recordings of the episodes) and re-conceptualization was provided over 13 sessions. Results indicated a large decrease in the ratings of the intensity of the night terror episodes. Moreover, sleep onset latency decreased while sleep quality and duration improved substantially. The client reported important increases in daytime activities and resumed working. Although caution is necessary because this is a case study, the results suggest that this technique warrants further study for people suffering from night terrors.


Night terrors, adults, exposure therapy.