The Open Sports Medicine Journal

2008, 2 : 28-33
Published online 2008. DOI: 10.2174/1874387000802010028
Publisher ID: TOSMJ-2-28

Quantitative Analysis of Rotational Movements of Knee in Healthy Subjects During Treadmill Barefoot Walking

Nicola Lovecchio , Domenico Galante , Michela Turci , Chiarella Sforza and Virgilio F. Ferrario
Dipartimento di Morfologia Umana, via Mangiagalli 31, I-20133 Milano, Italy.


Background and Purpose:

Cinematic analyses of human walking are widely carried out, but the assessment of sex-related differences is still incomplete. Knee range of motion was investigated in healthy sedentary subjects during standardized speed treadmill walking.

Subjects and Methods:

One hundred and three subjects aged 20-79 years were filmed by an optoelectronic system. Threedimensional knee joint angular data were obtained from trajectories of markers using Euler operators.


On average, within sex, flexion-extension and internal-external rotation were symmetric (Watson-Williams' test, p > 0.05). During walking, women had a larger knee flexion-extension (mean 67.5°, SD 0.8°) than men (mean 64.8°, SD 0.8°, p < 0.05), but similar internal-external rotation (women, 22.6°, SD 0.6°; men, 21.2°, SD 0.5°). No significant correlations between movements and age or anthropometric characteristics were found.


In healthy sedentary adults, treadmill walking is performed with knee range of motion that is largely independent from age, sex or anthropometry.


Movement analysis, cinematics, knee.