The Open Spectroscopy Journal

2008, 2 : 29-33
Published online 2008 June 21. DOI: 10.2174/1874383800802010029
Publisher ID: TOSPECJ-2-29

Precise Measurement of RDCs in Water and DMSO Based Gels Using a Silicone Rubber Tube for Tunable Stretching

Grit Kummerlöwe , Felix Halbach , Burkhardt Laufer and Burkhard Luy
Technische Universität München, Department Chemie, Lehrstuhl II für Organische Chemie, Lichtenbergstr. 4, D-85747, Garching, Germany.


Residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) are of great interest for the structure determination of biomacromolecules as well as of organic molecules like synthetic or natural products. Their accurate measurement requires a proper degree of alignment for the molecule under investigation. As has been shown recently, a stretching device based on a flexible silicone rubber tube provides an easy, rapid, and reversible variation of alignment strength. We show in this article that such an apparatus is not limited to gelatin, but can also be used with covalently cross-linked hydrogels and even gels with polar organic solvents like DMSO. Using sucrose and a cyclic hexapeptide, we were able to demonstrate that the approximately linear relation of alignment with the extension factor of the stretched gel allows the measurement of RDCs with high precision if corresponding spectra are acquired at various alignment strengths. The method seems to be widely applicable to the structure determination of molecules of arbitrary size using standard 5 mm NMR equipment.