The Open Spectroscopy Journal

2013, 7 : 1-8
Published online 2013 November 29. DOI: 10.2174/1874383801307010001
Publisher ID: TOSPECJ-7-1

A Computational/Spectroscopic Study of a Newly Derived General Unified Theory of Spectral Line Shapes to Measure HWHM's for an Ar-perturber/K-radiator system, Using Two 7s←4p Transitions, as Applied to the Line Core

W. C. Kreye
Research and Instructional Computer Center and Chemistry Department, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, 45435, USA.


In a recent publication, a new unified theory of spectral line shapes was derived, which allowed for the variation of the electric dipole moment with perturber positions. The present author put the g(s) term derived from the theory into a computable form, and constructed spectral line shapes from which line-core HWHM's (w′s) were measured. These w's were compared with experimental Fabry-Perot-interferometric results. Typically, for 2ΔV and T=1000 K, the percent difference between exptl.w and compt.w is ≈ 22%. log(w)−vs−log(P) and curve is computed and compared with those from non-impact-approximation-theory computations. Two temperatures were studied at T=400 and 1000 K in the Ar-perturber/K-radiator system; and two pseudo-potential differences were used: 1ΔV= 221/23/2,3/27sS−,4pP and 2ΔV= 3/2,1/221/27s2S−4pP. They were used to evaluate their comparative effects on w. E.g., 1ΔV with a deep well exhibited a larger w than that of 2ΔV with a shallow well.


Quantum-mechanical, Semi-classical, Unified-theory.