The Open Spectroscopy Journal

2014, 8 : 1-8
Published online 2014 October 31. DOI: 10.2174/1874383801408010001
Publisher ID: TOSPECJ-8-1

Gamma Rays Interactions with Strontium Borate Glasses Doped with First-Row Transition Metal Oxides

H. A. El Batal , F. H. ElBatal and A. M. Abdelghany
Spectroscopy Department, Physics Division, National Research Center, Dokki, 12311, Cairo, Egypt.


Optical and FT infrared absorption spectroscopic studies were carried out to investigate the spectral properties of prepared undoped and 3d transition metal oxides-doped-strontium borate glasses. The same measurements were repeat-ed after gamma-irradiation of the samples with a dose of 8 Mrad (8 ´ 104 Gy). The undoped strontium borate glass before irradiation exhibits a broad strong UV absorption which is related to unavoidable trace iron (Fe3+ ions) impurities contam-inated within the raw materials used for the preparation of this glass. Examination of the optical spectra of TMs-doped glasses reveals extra characteristic UV-visible bands due to the respective doping 3d transition metal ions. Gamma irradia-tion of the undoped strontium borate glass produces induced defects within the UV and visible regions while the TMs-doped glasses reveal limited variations due to shielding effects of some TM ions in this specific host strontium borate doped glasses towards gamma irradiation.

Infrared absorption spectra of the prepared glasses reveal characteristic vibrational bands due to both triangular and tetra-hedral borate groups within the wavenumber range 1200-1600 cm-1 and 800-1200 cm-1, respectively. The addition of 3d TM dopants (0.2 %) causes no distinct variations in the main IR vibrational bands because of the low level of TM ions and their housing in the glass network structure as modifiers. Also, gamma irradiation causes no changes in the number or position of the main characteristic IR vibration bands due to the quite stability of the base glass containing high content of heavy metal (Sr2+) cations.


FTIR spectroscopy, gamma irradiation, strontium borate glass, transition metals, UV-visible.