The Open Mathematics, Statistics and Probability Journal
2017, 08 : 27-38Published online 2017 October 16. DOI: 10.2174/1876527001708010027
Publisher ID: TOSPJ-8-27
Bayesian Inference for Three Bivariate Beta Binomial Models
* Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of, Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2N 1N4; Tel: 001-403-220-5210; E-mail:
This paper considers three two-dimensional beta binomial models previously introduced in the literature. These were proposed as candidate models for modelling forms of correlated and overdispersed bivariate count data. However, the first model has a complicated form of bivariate probability mass function involving a generalized hypergeometric function and the remaining two do not have closed forms of probability mass functions and are not amenable to analysis using maximum likelihood. This limited their applicability.
In this paper, we will discuss how the Bayesian analyses of these models may go forward using Markov chain Monte Carlo and data augmentation.
An illustrative example having to do with student achievement in two related university courses is included. Posterior and posterior predictive inferences and predictive information criteria are discussed.