The Open Superconductors Journal

2010, 2 : 19-27
Published online 2010 June 29. DOI: 10.2174/1876537801002010019
Publisher ID: TOSUPERJ-2-19

Magnetic Properties of the Superconductor LaCaBaCuO

Luis De Los Santos V. , Angel Bustamante D. , J.C. Gonzalez , Juan Feijoo L. , Ana Osorio A. , Thanos Mitrelias , Yutaka Majima and Crispin H.W. Barnes
Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, J.J Thomson Av. Cambridge CB3 0HE, United Kingdom.


LaCaBaCu3O7 (La1113) is a superconductor below TC(onset)=80K and its structure is similar to the tetragonal YBCO. In this work the magnetic properties of a bulk La1113 sample are reported and compared to those of YBCO superconductor. We explore a possibly relation of this property to its particular crystalline structure, particularly to the oxygen deficiency. In contrast to a bulk YBCO, some magnetic characteristics of La1113 below TC are: the magnetic flux can penetrate easily the bulk in its vortex region (HC1<H<HC2), fewer fields can be trapped than in YBCO, small currents are able to flow in the bulk and possible applications of La1113 are restricted under applied fields lower than 10KOe and in the range of 41K-76K. The critical current density is determined by currents flowing through grain boundaries. Peak effect is observed and it is probably caused by secondary phases or from clusters of oxygen vacancies acting as field induced pins. A first magnetic phase diagram for La1113 showing the irreversibility line is reported here. Finally, we found that the specific heat capacity of La1113 is 37.2mJ/K2 mol. © 2010. All rights reserved


Cuprates superconductors, general properties of high-Tc superconductors, magnetic properties of superconductors, critical currents of superconductors, critical fields of superconductors, crystal structure of superconductors. PACS: 74.72.-h; 74.78.Bz; 74.25.-q; 74.25.Ha; 74.25.Sv; 74.25.Op; 74.62.Bf.