The Open Textile Journal

2012, 5 : 1-7
Published online 2012 February 22. DOI: 10.2174/1876520301205010001
Publisher ID: TOTEXTILEJ-5-1

S. Rodriguez-Couto
CEIT, Unit of Environmental Engineering, Paseo Manuel de Lardizábal 15, 20018 San Sebastian, Spain.


Laccases have received much attention of researchers in last decades due to their ability to oxidise both phenolic and non-phenolic lignin-related compounds as well as highly recalcitrant environmental pollutants which makes them very useful for their application to several biotechnological processes such as those from the textile industry. In this regard, laccases are used for denim bleaching as an alternative to the hazardous and non-environmentally friendly chemical process. Thus, the first commercial laccase preparation was introduced in 1996 as liquid slurry. The product exhibited good performance, but handling characteristics were not ideal. A fully-formulated solid laccase has been commercially available for the denim market since 1999. Today, customised formulations of laccase are routinely used to target specific garment wet process conditions.


Laccase, denim, bleaching, textile industry.