The Open Thermodynamics Journal

2009, 3 : 24-33
Published online 2009 September 2. DOI: 10.2174/1874396X00903010024
Publisher ID: TOTHERJ-3-24

A Unified Model for Representing Densities and Viscosities of Hydrocarbon Liquids and Gases Based on Peng-Robinson Equation of State

Li-Sheng Wang and Hui-Chao Lv
Department of Chemical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, 100081, China.


This work presents a volume translation for the Peng-Robinson (PR) cubic equation of state (EOS) for a better description of densities. A viscosity model has been developed based on the similarity between PVT and TμP relationship. The viscosity model can also describe the relation of the saturated vapor pressure with temperature. The volume translated PR EOS and the EOS based viscosity model are applicable to both liquid and gas phase and both sub and supercritical regions for pure hydrocarbons.


Equation of state, volume translation, viscosity model.