The Open Toxicology Journal

2010, 4 : 01-12
Published online 2010 January 11. DOI: 10.2174/1874340401004010001
Publisher ID: TOTOXIJ-4-1

Analysis of Toxicity Effects from Molecular to Population Level: Circadian Oscillator Case Study

José-Manuel Zaldívar Comenges
European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, Ispra, Italy


To analyze how toxic effects propagate from molecular to population level, a simple model of a circadian oscillator has been coupled with a cyanobacteria growth model. It has been assumed that the circadian oscillator synchronizes with light-dark environmental conditions and toxicants affect this synchronization reducing the population growth. Then dose-response curves have been developed. The results evidence that to understand toxic effects we have to focus our study on the interactions that a certain compound may have with proteins, and/or DNA, since the result of these interactions will determine the final mode of action at macroscopic level. Therefore an intermediate step for assessing toxic effects has been proposed.