The Open Waste Management Journal

2020, 13 : 14-25
Published online 2020 March 18. DOI: 10.2174/1874347101912010014
Publisher ID: TOWMJ-13-14

Consumers’ Perceptions on Plastic Bags Tax Levy in Peri-urban Areas of Eswatini: A Case of Kwaluseni and Logoba Chiefdoms

M. M. Mavuso1 and S. S. Singwane1, *

*Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Geography, Environmental Science and Planning, Private Bag 4, University of Eswatini, Kwaluseni, Eswatini; Tel: +268 2517 0253; Email:



This study focused on assessing the perceptions of consumers on plastic bags tax levy in peri-urban areas of Eswatini, using Kwaluseni and Logoba chiefdoms as case studies.


The areas of key focus include knowledge of and attitudes of consumers towards plastic bags pollution, strategies employed by consumers to manage plastic bags, consumers’ willingness to pay for plastic bags and what Eswatini Environment Authority has done so far in controlling plastic bags pollution.


A total of 165 households, (99 from Kwaluseni and 66 from Logoba) were conveniently sampled and interviewed with the aid of a questionnaire. Community leaders and an environmental inspector from Eswatini Environment Authority were also interviewed. The findings show that the use of plastic bags is increasing in both chiefdoms (92.93% at Kwaluseni and 92.42% at Logoba). Concerning what respondents do with the plastics bags after ferrying their goods home, 25% at Kwaluseni and 19% at Logoba of the respondents claimed to reuse some bags and throw away the rest.


With regard to willingness to pay, the findings indicate that 49.70% of the respondents are willing to buy plastic bags.


Consumers’ perceptions, Eswatini, Kwaluseni, Logoba, Peri-urban areas, Plastic bags, Tax levy.