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The Open Aerospace Engineering Journal - Volume 3 (2010)

Ultra High Temperature Ceramics for Aerospace Applications : 5 [9-51]

The Open Aerospace Engineering Journal, Volume: 3 (2010) : 10-19 [Electronic Publication Date: February 20, 2010]
DOI: 10.2174/1874146001003010010
A. Di Maso , R. Savino , M. De Stefano Fumo , L. Silvestroni and D. Sciti

The Open Aerospace Engineering Journal, Volume: 3 (2010) : 20-31 [Electronic Publication Date: February 20, 2010]
DOI: 10.2174/1874146001003010020
Raffaele Savino , Mario De Stefano Fumo , Diego Paterna and Di Maso Andrea

The Open Aerospace Engineering Journal, Volume: 3 (2010) : 32-40 [Electronic Publication Date: February 20, 2010]
DOI: 10.2174/1874146001003010032
V. Latini , V. Striano , F. Monteverde , I. Rendina and C. Parolini

The Open Aerospace Engineering Journal, Volume: 3 (2010) : 41-51 [Electronic Publication Date: February 20, 2010]
DOI: 10.2174/1874146001003010041
Elizabeth J. Opila , Jim Smith , Stanley R. Levine , Jonathan Lorincz and Marissa Reigel