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The Open Gene Therapy Journal - Volume 3 (2010)

Advances in Oncolytic Antitumour Adenoviral Therapies: Three Key Aspects : 4 [8-30]

The Open Gene Therapy Journal, Volume: 3 (2010) : 9-14 [Electronic Publication Date: May 26, 2010]
DOI: 10.2174/1875037001003010009
Hidde J. Haisma and Lieke Geerts

The Open Gene Therapy Journal, Volume: 3 (2010) : 15-23 [Electronic Publication Date: May 26, 2010]
DOI: 10.2174/1875037001003010015
Cristina Fillat , Anabel José , Xavier Bofill-De Ros , Ana Mato-Berciano , Maria Victoria Maliandi and Daniel Abate-Daga

The Open Gene Therapy Journal, Volume: 3 (2010) : 24-30 [Electronic Publication Date: May 26, 2010]
DOI: 10.2174/1875037001003010024
Alena Gros and Sonia Guedan