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The Open Software Engineering Journal - Volume 4 (2010)

Global Software Development and its Challenges : 5 [1-51]

The Open Software Engineering Journal, Volume: 4 (2010) : 14-25 [Electronic Publication Date: May 17, 2010]
DOI: 10.2174/1874107X01004010014
Gabriela N. Aranda , Aurora Vizcaino and Mario Piattini

The Open Software Engineering Journal, Volume: 4 (2010) : 26-37 [Electronic Publication Date: May 17, 2010]
DOI: 10.2174/1874107X01004010026
Miguel Jimenez , Aurora Vizcaino and Mario Piattini

The Open Software Engineering Journal, Volume: 4 (2010) : 38-51 [Electronic Publication Date: May 17, 2010]
DOI: 10.2174/1874107X01004010038
Ramon R. Palacio , Alberto L. Moran and Victor M. Gonzalez