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The Open Applied Mathematics Journal - Volume 1 (2007)

The Open Applied Mathematics Journal, Volume: 1 (2007) : 1-8 [Electronic Publication Date: June 21, 2007]
DOI: 10.2174/1874114200701010001
Talaat S. El-Danaf and Mohamed A. Ramadan

The Open Applied Mathematics Journal, Volume: 1 (2007) : 9-14 [Electronic Publication Date: August 02, 2007]
DOI: 10.2174/1874114200701010009
F. García-Alonso , J.A. Reyes and Y. Villacampa

The Open Applied Mathematics Journal, Volume: 1 (2007) : 15-20 [Electronic Publication Date: October 17, 2007]
DOI: 10.2174/1874114200701010015
Mohamed A. Ramadan , Talaat S. El-Danaf and Faisal E.I. Abd Alaal

The Open Applied Mathematics Journal, Volume: 1 (2007) : 21-23 [Electronic Publication Date: December 31, 2007]
DOI: 10.2174/1874114200701010021
Götz E. Pfander