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The Open Epidemiology Journal - Volume 1 (2008)

The Open Epidemiology Journal, Volume: 1 (2008) : 1-9 [Electronic Publication Date: January 30, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874297100801010001
Qiuhong Zhao , Duane L. Sherrill , James L. Goodwin and Stuart F. Quan

The Open Epidemiology Journal, Volume: 1 (2008) : 10-16 [Electronic Publication Date: May 14, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874297100801010010
Kow-Tong Chen , Ta-Chung Lee , Hsiao-Ling Chang , Mei-Ching Yu and Li-Hui Tang

The Open Epidemiology Journal, Volume: 1 (2008) : 17-25 [Electronic Publication Date: June 4, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874297100801010017
Thorsten Raff , Jürgen C. Dinger , Lothar A.J. Heinemann , Sabine Möhner and Do Minh Thai

The Open Epidemiology Journal, Volume: 1 (2008) : 26-29 [Electronic Publication Date: June 19, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874297100801010026
Salma Haidar , Carol J. Burns , Kay Birdsong , Kenneth Bodner , Eugenio Salazar and James J. Collins

The Open Epidemiology Journal, Volume: 1 (2008) : 30-35 [Electronic Publication Date: June 23, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874297100801010030
D.R.A. Mans , E. Rijkaard , J. Dollart , G. Belgrave , S.S. Tjin A Joe , R. Matadin , A. Algu , A.R.D. Hoeblal , R. Kalloe , Z. Nurmohamed , R. Rampadarath , R.N. Mohamedradja , A. Tewarie , S. Sewgobin , B. Ramautar , A. Jagesar , R. Mohan , S. Adhin , R. Bansie and M.A. Vrede

The Open Epidemiology Journal, Volume: 1 (2008) : 36-39 [Electronic Publication Date: July 23, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874297100801010036
Huseyin Naci and Timothy D. Baker

The Open Epidemiology Journal, Volume: 1 (2008) : 40-47 [Electronic Publication Date: October 10, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874297100801010040
Alun Evans

The Open Epidemiology Journal, Volume: 1 (2008) : 53-56 [Electronic Publication Date: November 05, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874297100801010053
Evelyne Schvoerer , Jean-Pierre Massue , Hsiao-Ling Chang , Jean-Pierre Gut and Françoise Stoll-Keller