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The Open Gene Therapy Journal - Volume 1 (2008)

The Open Gene Therapy Journal, Volume: 1 (2008) : 1-6 [Electronic Publication Date: June 05, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1875037000801010001
Yasushi Takeya , Hirofumi Makino , Motokuni Aoki , Takashi Miyake , Kazunari Ozaki , Hiromi Rakugi , Toshio Ogihara and Ryuichi Morishita

The Open Gene Therapy Journal, Volume: 1 (2008) : 7-11 [Electronic Publication Date: June 09, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1875037000801010007
Meredith A. Preuss , Joe N. Glasgow , Maaike Everts , Mariam A. Stoff-Khalili , Hongju Wu and David T. Curiel