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The Open Astronomy Journal - Volume 2 (2009)

The Open Astronomy Journal, Volume: 2 (2009) : 1-8 [Electronic Publication Date: January 28, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874381100902010001
A. Preite Martinez

The Open Astronomy Journal, Volume: 2 (2009) : 9-11 [Electronic Publication Date: February 11, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874381100902010009
Cheng Dixiang , Dan Qi and Shen Hong

The Open Astronomy Journal, Volume: 2 (2009) : 12-15 [Electronic Publication Date: February 26, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874381100902010012
A.V. Kisselev

The Open Astronomy Journal, Volume: 2 (2009) : 16-18 [Electronic Publication Date: February 26, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874381100902010016
Suresh Chandra

The Open Astronomy Journal, Volume: 2 (2009) : 19-22 [Electronic Publication Date: February 27, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874381100902010019
M.K.M. Ahmed and Z.M. Hayman

The Open Astronomy Journal, Volume: 2 (2009) : 23-25 [Electronic Publication Date: March 27, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874381100902010023
Roberto Decarli , Renato Falomo , Jari Kotilainen , Marzia Labita , Riccardo Scarpa and Aldo Treves

The Open Astronomy Journal, Volume: 2 (2009) : 39-42 [Electronic Publication Date: April 10, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874381100902010039
A.V. Timoshkin

The Open Astronomy Journal, Volume: 2 (2009) : 43-47 [Electronic Publication Date: April 10, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874381100902010043
Giovanni C. Baiesi Pillastrini

The Open Astronomy Journal, Volume: 2 (2009) : 48-57 [Electronic Publication Date: May 15, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874381100902010048
Frédéric Zagury

The Open Astronomy Journal, Volume: 2 (2009) : 58-62 [Electronic Publication Date: June 30, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874381100902010058
Frédéric Zagury

The Open Astronomy Journal, Volume: 2 (2009) : 63-71 [Electronic Publication Date: July 16, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874381100902010063
Laurance R. Doyle and David P. Carico

The Open Astronomy Journal, Volume: 2 (2009) : 74-89 [Electronic Publication Date: August 22, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874381100902010074
M. Masia , L. Secco and G. Gonzalez

The Open Astronomy Journal, Volume: 2 (2009) : 90-94 [Electronic Publication Date: October 21, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874381100902010090
K. P. Panov

The Open Astronomy Journal, Volume: 2 (2009) : 95-101 [Electronic Publication Date: October 26, 2009]
DOI: 10.2174/1874381100902010095
Tadeusz Wibig and Arnold W. Wolfendale