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The Open Geology Journal - Volume 2 (2008)

The Open Geology Journal, Volume: 2 (2008) : 10-17 [Electronic Publication Date: March 18, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874262900802010010
Zaixing Jiang , Yingchang Cao , Weili Yang , Tong Wang and Le Zhang

The Open Geology Journal, Volume: 2 (2008) : 18-29 [Electronic Publication Date: June 12, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874262900802010018
Markus Stoffel , Michelle Bollschweiler , Astrid Leutwiler and Patrick Aeby

The Open Geology Journal, Volume: 2 (2008) : 30-45 [Electronic Publication Date: June 12, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874262900802010030
F. Assassi , C. Renac , L. Djabr and A. Hani