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The Open Marine Biology Journal - Volume 2 (2008)

The Open Marine Biology Journal, Volume: 2 (2008) : 7-12 [Electronic Publication Date: April 16, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874450800802010007
Albert K. Imsland , Karen Stensland , Torild Johansen , Nathalie Le Francois , Simon Lamarre , Gunnar Nævdal and Atle Foss

The Open Marine Biology Journal, Volume: 2 (2008) : 29-37 [Electronic Publication Date: , 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874450800802010029
D. Aurelle , R.-M. Barthelemy , J.-P. Quignard , M. Trabelsi and E. Faure

The Open Marine Biology Journal, Volume: 2 (2008) : 38-42 [Electronic Publication Date: November 17, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874450800802010038
Vincent Bourret , Mathias Macé , Maxime Bonhomme and Brigitte Crouau-Roy

The Open Marine Biology Journal, Volume: 2 (2008) : 43-53 [Electronic Publication Date: November 17, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874450800802010043
Yuri N. Gorodilov , Bendik F. Terjesen , Aleksei Krasnov and Harald Takle