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The Open Mycology Journal - Volume 2 (2008)

The Open Mycology Journal, Volume: 2 (2008) : 1-8 [Electronic Publication Date: March 12, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874437000802010001
Nikolaos Patsoukis and Christos D. Georgiou

The Open Mycology Journal, Volume: 2 (2008) : 9-21 [Electronic Publication Date: April 11, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874437000802010009
J.A. Christianson , S.R. Rimmer , A.G. Good and D.J. Lydiate

The Open Mycology Journal, Volume: 2 (2008) : 22-28 [Electronic Publication Date: March 12, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874437000802010022
Marta Ramos , Diana Pisa , Susana Molina , Alberto Rábano , Ángeles Juarranz and Luis Carrasco

The Open Mycology Journal, Volume: 2 (2008) : 29-39 [Electronic Publication Date: May 30, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874437000802010029
Oscar Zaragoza , Manuel Cuenca-Estrella , Javier Regadera and Juan Luis Rodríguez Tudela

The Open Mycology Journal, Volume: 2 (2008) : 40-47 [Electronic Publication Date: May 30, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874437000802010040
Tetsuya Horio , Akiko Taniwaki , Miyuki Shimizu and Chie Mori

The Open Mycology Journal, Volume: 2 (2008) : 48-54 [Electronic Publication Date: July 12, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874437000802010048
M.J. Salvador , T.D. Zucchi , E.C. Schinor , D.A. Dias , O.L.A.D. Zucchi , P. Poli and T.M.A.D. Zucchi

The Open Mycology Journal, Volume: 2 (2008) : 55-60 [Electronic Publication Date: July 22, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874437000802010055
Timothy R. Dean , Jonathan A. Black , Karin Foarde and Marc Menetrez

The Open Mycology Journal, Volume: 2 (2008) : 61-73 [Electronic Publication Date: August 22, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874437000802010061
Yangrae Cho , Shaobin Hou and Shaobin Zhong

The Open Mycology Journal, Volume: 2 (2008) : 82-85 [Electronic Publication Date: August 28, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874437000802010082
Germano Orrù , Vincenzo Piras , Maria Laura Ciusa , Flavia Taccori , Maria Barbara Pisano , Caterina Montaldo , Sofia Cosentino and Maria Elisabetta Fadda

The Open Mycology Journal, Volume: 2 (2008) : 86-88 [Electronic Publication Date: August 28, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874437000802010086
Varda Kagan-Zur and Nurit Roth-Bejerano

The Open Mycology Journal, Volume: 2 (2008) : 89-93 [Electronic Publication Date: October 7, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874437000802010089
Abuelgasim Elzein , Frank Brändle , Georg Cadisch , Jürgen Kroschel , Paul Marley and Marco Thines

The Open Mycology Journal, Volume: 2 (2008) : 94-99 [Electronic Publication Date: October 15, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874437000802010094
Luiz Fernando Zmetek Granja , Lysianne Pinto , Daniela Sales Alviano , Maria Helena da Silva , Celuta Sales Alviano and Regina Ejzemberg

The Open Mycology Journal, Volume: 2 (2008) : 100-104 [Electronic Publication Date: November 7, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874437000802010100
R. Nicoletti , R. Caiazzo , A. Carella and E. Lahoz

The Open Mycology Journal, Volume: 2 (2008) : 105-107 [Electronic Publication Date: November 7, 2008]
DOI: 10.2174/1874437000802010105
Yasmeen Mir , Euan McLaughlin , Fiona Campbell and Bahram Azadeh