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The Open Acoustics Journal - Volume 3 (2010)

The Open Acoustics Journal, Volume: 3 (2010) : 1-10 [Electronic Publication Date: April 23, 2010]
DOI: 10.2174/1874837601003010001
Michael S. Gordon , Charles H. Brown and Mary Kolbusz

The Open Acoustics Journal, Volume: 3 (2010) : 11-20 [Electronic Publication Date: May 4, 2010]
DOI: 10.2174/1874837601003010011
J. Punekar , E. J. Avital and R. E. Musafir

The Open Acoustics Journal, Volume: 3 (2010) : 30-37 [Electronic Publication Date: September 6, 2010]
DOI: 10.2174/1874837601003010030
Nishimura Yuya , Nguyen Huy Quang , Nishimura Sohei , Nishimura Tsuyoshi and Yano Takashi