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The Open Chemical and Biomedical Methods Journal - Volume 3 (2010)

The Open Chemical and Biomedical Methods Journal, Volume: 3 (2010) : 1-9 [Electronic Publication Date: April 14, 2010]
DOI: 10.2174/1875038901003010001
Dirk Grafahrend , Philip Jungbecker , Gunnar Seide , Holger Leonards , Thomas Gries , Martin Möller and Doris Klee

The Open Chemical and Biomedical Methods Journal, Volume: 3 (2010) : 10-17 [Electronic Publication Date: May 11, 2010]
DOI: 10.2174/1875038901003010010
Sujanie V. Gamage , Vernon F. Hodge , James V. Cizdziel and Kazumasa Lindley