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The Open Aerospace Engineering Journal - Volume 4 (2011)

The Open Aerospace Engineering Journal, Volume: 4 (2011) : 1-10 [Electronic Publication Date: March 22, 2011]
DOI: 10.2174/1874146001104010001
T.M. van Opstal , S.J. Hulshoff and C.V. Verhoosel

The Open Aerospace Engineering Journal, Volume: 4 (2011) : 11-25 [Electronic Publication Date: September 22, 2011]
DOI: 10.2174/1874146001104010011
R. R.D. Arents , J. Groeneweg , C. Borst , M. M. van Paassen and M. Mulder

The Open Aerospace Engineering Journal, Volume: 4 (2011) : 26-44 [Electronic Publication Date: October 27, 2011]
DOI: 10.2174/1874146001104010026
Geoffrey G. Wawrzyniak and Kathleen C. Howell