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The Open Environmental & Biological Monitoring Journal - Volume 4 (2011)

The Open Environmental & Biological Monitoring Journal, Volume: 4 (2011) : 21-30 [Electronic Publication Date: May 5, 2011]
DOI: 10.2174/1875040001104010021
Arjun Akkala , Vijay Devabhaktuni , Ashok Kumar and Deepak Bhatt

The Open Environmental & Biological Monitoring Journal, Volume: 4 (2011) : - [Electronic Publication Date: May 5, 2011]
DOI: 10.2174/1875040001104010032
Amanda M. Hussey , Bruce A. Kimball and Jonathan M. Friedman

The Open Environmental & Biological Monitoring Journal, Volume: 4 (2011) : 45-56 [Electronic Publication Date: July 7, 2011]
DOI: 10.2174/1875040001104010045
Gabriele Matteucci , Mirko Magagnini , Monica Armeni , Luca Giaccaglia , Federica Fiesoletti , Claudia Ciotti , Patrizia Pari , Sandro Riccio , Euro Buongarzone , Leonardo Patata and Pierpaolo Tentoni

The Open Environmental & Biological Monitoring Journal, Volume: 4 (2011) : 57-71 [Electronic Publication Date: July 13, 2011]
DOI: 10.2174/1875040001104010057
Stacey B. Trooskin , Maricruz Velez , Simona Rossi , Steven K. Herrine , Robert Winn , David J. Axelrod , A. Scott McNeal and Victor J. Navarro

The Open Environmental & Biological Monitoring Journal, Volume: 4 (2011) : 72-82 [Electronic Publication Date: August 9, 2011]
DOI: 10.2174/1875040001104010072
Terje Bongard , Ola H. Diserud , Odd Terje Sandlund and Kaare Aagaard