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The Open Acoustics Journal - Volume 5 (2012)

The Open Acoustics Journal, Volume: 5 (2012) : 1-7 [Electronic Publication Date: February 14, 2012]
DOI: 10.2174/1874837601205010001
Mikio Fukuhara

The Open Acoustics Journal, Volume: 5 (2012) : 8-15 [Electronic Publication Date: April 20, 2012]
DOI: 10.2174/1874837601205010008
HuyQuang Nguyen , Takashima Yusuke , Nishimura Yuya , Nishimura Sohei , Nishimura Tsuyoshi and Yano Takashi

The Open Acoustics Journal, Volume: 5 (2012) : 16-22 [Electronic Publication Date: May 18, 2012]
DOI: 10.2174/1874837601205010016
Sylvio R. Bistafa , Mark P. Hodgkin , William S. Morita , Bruno O. Kohn and Joao J. Neto

The Open Acoustics Journal, Volume: 5 (2012) : 23-31 [Electronic Publication Date: August 3, 2012]
DOI: 10.2174/1874837601205010023
Najib Abou Leyla , Emmanuel Moulin and Jamal Assaad

The Open Acoustics Journal, Volume: 5 (2012) : 32-38 [Electronic Publication Date: August 3, 2012]
DOI: 10.2174/1874837601205010032
Tatsuro Baba

The Open Acoustics Journal, Volume: 5 (2012) : 39-45 [Electronic Publication Date: October 25, 2012]
DOI: 10.2174/1874837601205010039
G. Nassar , B. Nongaillard and J. Cheio