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The Open Obesity Journal - Volume 5 (2013)

The Open Obesity Journal, Volume: 5 (2013) : 1-4 [Electronic Publication Date: March 22, 2013]
DOI: 10.2174/1876823701305010001
Mojtaba Hashemzadeh , Leila Zahedi-Shoolami and Mahmoud KaramiRad

The Open Obesity Journal, Volume: 5 (2013) : 5-12 [Electronic Publication Date: April 19, 2013]
DOI: 10.2174/1876823701305010005
Sherita Hill Golden , Hui-Chun Hsu , Brad C. Astor , Saurabh Malhotra , Gary Wand and Bruce A. Wasserman

The Open Obesity Journal, Volume: 5 (2013) : 60-64 [Electronic Publication Date: July 12, 2013]
DOI: 10.2174/1876823720130508009
Rachel A. Karlnoski , Collin Sprenker B.S , Suvikram Puri , Ren Chen , Devanand Mangar , Michel M. Murr and Enrico M. Camporesi

The Open Obesity Journal, Volume: 5 (2013) : 72-81 [Electronic Publication Date: August 28, 2013]
DOI: 10.2174/1876823701305010072
Mattah Precious Agbeko , Kumi-Kyereme Akwasi , Druye Adjei Andrews and Osei Berchie Gifty

The Open Obesity Journal, Volume: 5 (2013) : 82-91 [Electronic Publication Date: November 13, 2013]
DOI: 10.2174/1876823720131001011
Mr. Chris Patterson and Dr. Shona Hilton