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The Open Entomology Journal - Volume 6 (2012)

The Open Entomology Journal, Volume: 6 (2012) : 1-12 [Electronic Publication Date: April 27, 2012]
DOI: 10.2174/1874407901206010001
Robert Hamilton IV , Peter S. Kourtev , Christopher Post , Jacqueline Dillard , Kate J. Knepper and Robert Cowart

The Open Entomology Journal, Volume: 6 (2012) : 13-16 [Electronic Publication Date: May 16, 2012]
DOI: 10.2174/1874407901206010013
Louis K. Prom , Zheyu Jin , William Ree , Juan D. Lopez, Jr and Ramasamy Perumal

The Open Entomology Journal, Volume: 6 (2012) : 17-21 [Electronic Publication Date: May 28, 2012]
DOI: 10.2174/1874407901206010017
Pilar Chiu-Alvarado , Antonio Santiesteban and Julio C. Rojas

The Open Entomology Journal, Volume: 6 (2012) : 42-48 [Electronic Publication Date: September 7, 2012]
DOI: 10.2174/1874407901206010042
Louis S. Hesler , Ginger McNickle , Michael A. Catangui , John E. Losey , Eric A. Beckendorf , Leonard Stellwag , Danielle M. Brandt and Pamela B. Bartlett

The Open Entomology Journal, Volume: 6 (2012) : 49-52 [Electronic Publication Date: November 2, 2012]
DOI: 10.2174/1874407901206010049
Alberto Pantoja , Richard Ranft , Dennis Fielding , Aaron Hagerty and Susan Emmert