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The Open Forensic Science Journal - Volume 6 (2013)

The Open Forensic Science Journal, Volume: 6 (2013) : 1-5 [Electronic Publication Date: February 8, 2013]
DOI: 10.2174/1874402801306010001
Thiago de Carvalho Moretti , Daniel Russ Solis and Wesley Augusto Conde Godoy

The Open Forensic Science Journal, Volume: 6 (2013) : 6-11 [Electronic Publication Date: October 18, 2013]
DOI: 10.2174/1874402801306010006
Ken-Ichiro Nakao , Ryo Shimada , Kenji Hara and Kazuhiko Kibayashi

The Open Forensic Science Journal, Volume: 6 (2013) : 12-19 [Electronic Publication Date: October 31, 2013]
DOI: 10.2174/1874402801306010012
Robert A. Grahn , Tina I-T Huang and Leslie A. Lyons