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The Open Horticulture Journal - Volume 6 (2013)

The Open Horticulture Journal, Volume: 6 (2013) : 9-18 [Electronic Publication Date: August 16, 2013]
DOI: 10.2174/1874840620130807001
A. Mujib , S. Banerjee , M. Maqsood and P. D. Ghosh

The Open Horticulture Journal, Volume: 6 (2013) : 19-23 [Electronic Publication Date: September 30, 2013]
DOI: 10.2174/1874840601306010019
T. H. Seran and R. N. M. Shahardeen

The Open Horticulture Journal, Volume: 6 (2013) : 24-28 [Electronic Publication Date: December 30, 2013]
DOI: 10.2174/1874840601306010024
Modabber Ahmed Khan , Kwang-Hwa Jeong , Bu-Kug Lim and Jong-Yoon Lee