The Open Astronomy Journal

2010, 3 : 145-149
Published online 2010 August 13. DOI: 10.2174/1874381101003010145
Publisher ID: TOAAJ-3-145

Inhomogeneous Structure Formation May Alleviate Need for Accelerating Universe

Johan Hansson and Jesper Lindkvist
Department of Physics, Lulea University of Technology, SE-971 87 Lulea, Sweden.


When taking the real, inhomogeneous and anisotropic matter distribution in the semi-local universe into account, there may be no need to postulate an accelerating expansion of the universe despite recent type Ia supernova data. Local curvatures must be integrated (over all space) to obtain the global curvature of the universe, which seems to be very close to zero from cosmic microwave background data. As gravitational structure formation creates bound regions of positive curvature, the regions in between become negatively curved in order to comply with a vanishing global curvature. The actual dynamics of the universe is altered due to the self-induced inhomogeneities, again more prominently so as structure formation progresses. Furthermore, this negative curvature will increase as a function of time as structure formation proceeds, which mimics the effect of “dark energy” with negative pressure. Hence, the “acceleration” may be merely a mirage. We make a qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis, for pedagogical reasons using newtonian gravity corrected for special relativistic effects (which works surprisingly well) to corroborate and illustrate/visualize these statements. This article may be seen as an attempt to communicate to a larger number of people the necessity of starting to take seriously the real, observed inhomogeneous distribution and the nonlinearities of nonperturbative general relativity, and their impact on the dynamics and behavior of the cosmos instead of allowing an oversimplified cosmological model to generate a consensus world-view of a cosmos allegedly dominated by mysterious dark energy.