The Open Applied Mathematics Journal

2009, 3 : 1-6
Published online 2009 March 13. DOI: 10.2174/1874114200903010001
Publisher ID: TOAMJ-3-1

Single Particle Schrödinger Fluid and Moments of Inertia of the Even- Even Uranium Isotopes

S.B. Doma and M.M. Amin
Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Moharram Bay, Alexandria, Egypt.


We have applied the concept of the single-particle Schrödinger fluid to calculate the reciprocal values of the rigid body-model, the cranking-model, and the equilibrium-model moments of inertia of the axially-symmetric deformed nuclei as functions of the deformation parameter β, and the non deformed oscillator parameter ђω00 . As examples for the application of this concept to the heavier deformed even-even nuclei the uranium isotopes 230U, 232U, 234U, 236U and 238U have been chosen. The obtained results showed that the assumption that these nuclei have axes of symmetry is more reliable.