The Open Atmospheric Science Journal

2008, 2 : 117-130
Published online 2008 July 8. DOI: 10.2174/1874282300802010117
Publisher ID: TOASCJ-2-117

Mesoscale FDDA Experiments with WTM and ACARS Data

Chia-Bo Chang and Robert Dumais
Department of Geosciences, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409, USA.


This is a real-data Four Dimensional Data Assimilation (FDDA) study using MM5 in conjunction with West Texas Mesonet surface observations and ACARS (Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System) profile data collected by commercial aircraft during both en route and ascent/descent phases of their flights. The high-frequency mesonet data and ACARS wind and temperature profiles are ideal for testing the effects of FDDA on short-term mesoscale numerical weather prediction. The mesonet experiments involved 35 sites with an average horizontal spacing of about 30 km, while in the ACARS case ninety five profiles were used. Results indicated that nudging the MM5 model with the surface-based data over the relatively small area of the mesonet domain had limited impact on the model’s performance. In the ACARS runs, FDDA had long-lasting impact throughout the entire model atmosphere. FDDA appeared to improve the quantitative precipitation forecasting skill of MM5 and reduce slightly the model’s warm bias at the surface. The study suggests that ACARS has potential to significantly enhance our expertise in short-term mesoscale modeling and to support the need to rapidly and accurately adjust high-resolution meteorological model forecasts to real-time observations.