The Open Atmospheric Science Journal

2008, 2 : 166-175
Published online 2008 August 16. DOI: 10.2174/1874282300802010166
Publisher ID: TOASCJ-2-166

Emission Scenario Assessment of Gasohol Reformulation Proposals and Ethanol Use in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo

L.D. Martins and M.F. Andrade
the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences, University of São Paulo, Brazil.


The frequent episodes of high concentrations of ozone and of inhalable particulate matter occurring in the Metropolitan Area of Sao Paulo (MASP) are primarily associated with vehicle emissions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of the use of reformulations of the gasoline-ethanol blend known as gasohol and of ethanol on the ozone formation. A three-dimensional photochemical model was employed to estimate the sensitivity of ozone and evaluate the implementation of emission scenarios, considering various fuel formulations, in the MASP. The base case ozone concentrations were consistent with the observations over six air quality monitoring stations located in the MASP, suggesting that the model can be used to evaluate the impact that various emission scenarios would have on ozone levels. Six scenarios were analyzed; scenarios 1 to 5 involved reductions in compounds found in gasohol in various proportions compared with the base emission inventory and scenario 6 specified that the entire light duty fleet would burn pure ethanol. In scenario 3 (reductions in olefins, aromatics and benzene) and scenario 5 (reductions in the five species that are associated with higher ozone sensitivity), ozone concentrations were below the national standard only at the air quality monitoring stations (not domain-wide). Our results suggest that implementing scenario 6 would improve air quality in the MASP.