The Open Infectious Diseases Journal

2018, 10 : 43-46
Published online 2018 June 26. DOI: 10.2174/1874279301810010043
Publisher ID: TOIDJ-10-43

Nosocomial Neonatal Meningitis with on Myelomeningocele: A Real Therapeutic Challenge

Adil Fouad1, * , Fatiha Bennaoui1 , Nadia El Idrissi Slitine1 , Nabila Soraa2 and FMR Maoulainine1

* Address correspondence to this author at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Mohamed VI University Hospital, PB 2360, Ibn Sina Avenue, Marrakesh, Morocco; Tel: +212661046258; Fax: +212524300700; E-mail:


Imipenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii meningitis is a hospital-acquired infection, the treatment of which constitutes a real therapeutic challenge. In this article, together with a review of the literature, we report two cases of imipenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii neonatal meningitis following ruptured myelomeningocele, treated with intravenous colistin with favorable results. In recent years, Acinetobacter baumannii has become a more and more commonly described pathogen in hospital-acquired infections. However, the cases of meningitis are mainly postoperative and are still not quite frequently described in the literature. Colistin appears to be preferably administered intravenously at a dose of 100.000 IU/kg/day.


, Colistin, Intrathecally, Intravenously, Meningitis, Myelomeningocele.