The Open Infectious Diseases Journal

2019, 11 : 13-16
Published online 2019 March 28. DOI: 10.2174/1874279301911010013
Publisher ID: TOIDJ-11-13

Loco-Regional BCGitis Revealing a HIV Infection in an Infant: A Case Report

Ibtissam Khattou, * , Ouidad Louachama , Noureddine Rada , Ghizlane Draiss and Mohammed Bouskraoui

*Address correspondence to this author at the Pediatric Department A, Mother and Child Hospital, , Marrakesh, ; E-mail:


The BCG disease is a specific complication of the Bacille Calmette and Guerin (BCG) vaccine. It is often in the form of benign local BCGitis, however the BCGosis is a lethal disseminated disease that can occur in a patient with immunodeficiency. The prognosis depends on the immune status of the patient, and the quality of management. Therapeutic modalities are very controversial. In this article, the authors report a case of loco-regional BCGitis revealing an HIV infection.


BCGitis, Immunodeficiency, Infection retroviral, Tuberculosis, BCG vaccine, HIV infection.